I love how Santa wraps his presents for our house these days! |
We had a really low key Christmas this year
(wait do I say that every year?) which was really good because I was feeling really stressed out. Christmas Eve the kids got their pajamas
(probably my favorite tradition, I love pj's!) As per usual Christmas morning started extremely early. I think Chris, being the trickster he is, may have conspired with Santa this year. The last present the kids opened was a Wii-U, something Dalin has been asking for almost everyday for over a year. The excitement was short lived, because when the kids opened the Wii-U box it was full of lotion. Santa was trying to be tricky, but he also showed some kindness because after some investigating the kids found that the Wii-U was already set up and ready to play. Silly Santa! We went to my parents house for breakfast and more presents. My grandma Haynes was visiting and it was really nice to have her there. We decided to have Christmas dinner by ourselves, but I didn't want to cook. I figured we could find some Chinese restaurant that was open
(you know like in the Christmas Story movie) but no. We ended up going to Buffalo Wild Wings. Not to fancy, but we have fun when we are together:) MERRY CHRISTMAS!