Monday, February 25, 2008

Camp In

A couple of weeks ago Chris promised the kids they could set up the tent and camp out in the backyard. It rained the day they were supposed to sleep outside, so the tent was set up in the front room. We had s'mores and watched a video, and Chris thought it would be super fun to let the kids stay up as long as they wanted. I think he was hoping that they would sleep longer if they stayed up longer, and he would get to sleep in. I put Dalin to bed at ten and the other kids finally fell asleep between 12 and 12:30. The plan might have been a success except Dalin woke up at 7:30, and he made sure the other kids were quick to follow his lead. Ashton decided we needed to have pancakes for breakfast to make it a real camping experience, which is funny because she doesn't really like pancakes. They had a fun time, but I had told Chris, in not the kindest tone, that it was not a good idea to let the kids stay up so late because they would be too cranky the next day. My prediction came true. When our kids are tired they are not only cranky, but they are very weepy and whiny. It was a long day, at the end of which Chris admitted that I was probably right, and late nights were not good for our kids. Hmmm, really? We didn't get a picture with the whole tent, but here is a shot of the morning after, pre-Dalin of course.

Aiden had a friend come over to play today and they decided to "go back in time to see their adult self." For a time machine they had one person ride on a toy while the other person would hold on to the back to be dragged across the floor. Obviously that would be the choice for a time machine.

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