Wednesday, January 7, 2009

They say it's your Birthday!!

Chris in 1975 he would be three years old. He considers this hairstyle akin to child abuse, maybe that's why we only have a couple of pictures of him when he was little.

Our family is so lucky to have Chris as the husband and dad. He keeps us laughing. He also keeps us from being boring, and gets me out of my comfort zone. We love him! Happy Birthday!!


susan said...

Happy Birthday to Chris. I completely back up Kristen's statements about you You are a wonderful husband and Dad not to memtion son in law. Happy Birthday

Natalie, Brian, Rachel, Erick said...

Happy Birthday! You are so fun to have in the family!!!(Not to mention your other skills, nun chuck skills, computer skills, downloading music skills, etc...)

The Zoo Keeper said...

Ditto to all that!! we wouldn't be the same without you...Happy BirthdaY!!

Melanie said...

Wahoo! Happy Birthday Chris! -Melanie Walton